

All persons who will be parking a motor vehicle on property owned or controlled by the 网赌上分平台 are required to display a valid 网赌上分平台 parking permit on their vehicle. Vehicles not properly displaying a valid parking permit will be ticketed and may be towed. The parking program is in effect on weekdays, and all permit holders must park in their designated lots Monday through Friday.



游客 to the University

All visitors to the University who are not a registered guest of a current residential student should proceed to the Maxcy parking lot (P1) and check in with the parking attendant. The attendant will advise visitors where to park. If there are no available spaces in the Maxcy parking lot, the attendant will issue a temporary placard to park in an alternate location designated by the parking attendant.

Guest of Current Residential Student

Current residential students must register all guest through the myHousing portal to receive a guest parking permit that will allow their guest to park in Railroad Salvage parking lot (P51). No parking is permitted on 主校区 or any other lot for registered guest of current residential students. If you are a guest of a residential student at Main Street or Savin Court, you will be permitted to park at those locations space permitting. Guest of Main Street residents are only permitted to park in front of their assigned condo of the host resident. If you are a guest of a residential student at Atwood, 森林山, or Park View you must use public street parking or can park in Railroad Salvage parking lot (P51).

Ticketing, Payments, and Appeals for 游客, 学生, 教师 & 工作人员

The University's ticketing policy is as follows:

所有的学生, 教师, 工作人员 and visitors are responsible for each vehicle they operate or park on campus. Every vehicle must display a valid University parking permit. Vehicles which present a hazard, 停在拖车区, 消防车道, 阻断人行道, 人行横道, dumpsters or are parked in a Handicap space without displaying government issued authorization are subject to immediate towing at the owner's expense. A vehicle which accrues three parking tickets will be considered a chronic offender and will be ticketed and towed for every subsequent violation.



To pay for a ticket online or to appeal a ticket you received, visit our online parking system. You must enter both the ticket number and the license plate number to proceed, and then follow the prompts to pay or appeal.

Online 停车 System Ticket Lookup

航天飞机 and 运输 Options

学生, 教师, and 工作人员 can make use of a number of transportation services offered by the University. We provide a robust system of shuttles to help students, 教师, 工作人员, and visitors navigate quickly travel between University-sponsored parking lots, 主校区, local railroad and bus stations, 纽黑文市中心, 和更多的.

航天飞机 and 运输 Info for:

Prospective students, parents, and visitors

在校学生、教师 & 工作人员